Introducing Appsec360 part 3: Advantages & benefits

3 min readJan 3, 2021

In Part 1 and Part 2 of this blog series, we covered details on challenges that Appsec360 will solve and why those matter for running a scalable data-driven application security program. In this final part of the series, we touch briefly on a few of the advantages that Appsec360 brings to the table for both application security teams and development teams. We will also cover some of the features of the platform.

Standardize & Automate SDL Management: Appsec360 will standardize how security is baked into the Secure Development Lifecycle (SDL). This introduces consistency, increases predictability & enhances the ability to measure everything that matters in an application security program.

Reduced Friction of Security: Appsec360 will facilitate the reduction of friction between development and application security teams by enabling strong partnerships. It will provide avenues for development teams to fully own the security of the products they are responsible for. This is accomplished by allowing development and application security teams to stay within their tooling systems and yet get visibility to each other's progress and expectations regarding security deliverables.

Compliance Standard Mapped Secure & Privacy Quality Requirements: The platform is engineered to analyze product metadata and intelligently provide security and privacy quality requirements that map to regulatory, privacy, or information security standards.

Platform Features

Product inventory: Current inventory of all products that an organization cares to track.

Baseline security policies: Build & maintains a security profile for all products in the inventory per customizable baseline policies.

Upfront awareness: Plug into the engineering team’s project management systems to get automated visibility into release pipelines. Timely injection of security input into development toolchain for upfront awareness into privacy and security guardrails for development teams.

DevOps readiness: Integration with CI tools to enforce controls from within Appsec360. For example: limit the number of source code repositories with production deployment capabilities, ensure that all code goes through peer review, etc.

Single Pane Visibility: Access to analytics across the product lifecycle with a recommendation engine for areas of improvements, trends in security adoption, developer training, overall vulnerability management, and many more.

Vulnerability Management: Centralized end-to-end application vulnerability management. Appsec360 integrates multiple application vulnerability scanners to centrally manage vulnerabilities for the product security team from within Appsec360.

Continuous Feedback: Custom product security profiles for each product will provide iterative insights into a product’s security trajectory and trends.

Multiple Role Based Views: The platform will support role mapped views to show information that is most relevant to the person logged in without causing information overload.

Target Audience

Appsec360 is designed to build data-driven application security programs. Any organization that writes software and has, or intends to implement, a secure software development program will find immense value in this platform. The primary target audience for Appsec360 in terms of beneficiaries:

Application Security Team: This platform aims to augment the appsec team's capabilities by abstracting away from siloed systems and processes. This team will be the primary users of this platform.

Application Development Teams: Early awareness of security requirements, ability to self serve their security needs, getting continuous security feedback over multiple releases, in-platform pointers on developer training, etc., are some of the features that will make development teams the primary beneficiary of the platform.

Risk and Compliance Team: In-platform management of audit artifacts, auditor focussed views, and single-pane visibility to the overall health of the security program will provide precious insights to the Risk and Compliance teams.


Operational standardization secure SDLC program is critical for the overall security posture of any organization that creates software. Appsec360 will enable the operationalization of a truly data-driven application security program. It will enable development teams to release more secure products and reduce security vulnerabilities detected post-release by ensuring that security is truly baked into the SDLC workflows!




Platform to build and manage highly scalable, data driven application security programs.